All in Health

The Scam Behind Zero And Low-Calorie Products

Diet soda and low-calorie foods are popular among people who are trying to lose weight or people who are conscious of their calorie consumption. Eating a low-calorie snack or drinking a zero calorie soft drink makes you feel relieved that you are taking in fewer calories and this will help you stay slim.

But do you know that you may be gaining weight because of these so-called ‘Healthy substitutes’ rather than losing it?

Tabata Training- The 4 Minute Workout To A Leaner Body

Most of us in our busy lives don’t have the time to go for a 1-hour workout session or give an hour to ourselves even at home. Every day we plan to go for a run or to the gym the next morning but end up getting late for a meeting and skipping our workout the next day. But why should a presentation or a late night party stop us from having a healthy lifestyle?

The Tabata workout is a 4-minute High Intensity Workout that has been scientifically proven to improve both our aerobic and anaerobic capacity similar to what a moderate intensity 1-hour workout can do and the best part is you can adapt the Tabata Protocol to even your home workouts.

Why Is It Difficult For Women To Lose Weight?

Are you a woman? Have you been working your ass off daily in the gym and yet the moment you stand on the scale you feel like kicking it hard? Welcome to the group!!!
Ladies the bitter truth Men do lose weight faster than women. In fact, their bodies are built in a way that makes it easier for them to lose weight.

What Is PCOS And How To Lose Weight With PCOS?

PCOS is one of the most common endocrine disturbance that affects women during their reproductive years. It is so common that it has almost become an epidemic with almost 25-30% of women having polycystic ovaries(PCO) and around 15% of women have polycystic ovary syndrome(PCOS). Although the internet is full of medications like birth control pills and metformin, I will not mention any of those in this article. Why? Because I don't believe in them. In fact, all of this is bullshit!!!

Skinny Fat: Is Getting Skinny Same As Getting Healthy?

This is my first article from a long series to come where I am going to discuss and see whether a lot of health and fitness facts and tips we read on the Internet are true or not. Why I am writing this is because just like many of you reading this I have also spent half of my life trying to figure out, “How to lose those extra inches?”  or  “How to look like that Victoria Secrets model?”. Suffering from PCOS, losing weight has never been an easy task for me. I desperately followed anything and everything I read on the internet but no results popped up !!!