Healthy Passenger

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Top 10 Quick Pocket-Friendly Healthy Snacks

Whether you are heading to your office or just going for an outing following a healthy diet can get really difficult. Most weight loss experts recommend eating something healthy every 2-3 hours but this simple advice is difficult to follow when you are not at home and can’t just put up a snack together.

These 10 pocket-friendly healthy snacks are easy to carry and will help you watch your weight along with several other health benefits. (1)

1. Chick Peas Or Channa

They are high on protein and fiber which can keep your appetite under control. It is a proven fact that proteins have a much more filling effect than carbs or fats. Eating a high protein diet makes you feel less hungry and reduces the amount of calorie you intake. (2, 3, 4)

Protein and fiber work together to create a sense of fullness, slows your digestion and increases appetite reducing hormones. This means that you will feel full for a longer time. (5, 6, 7)

A study compared appetite and calorie intake among 12 women who ate two different meals. Before one meal they ate 200 grams of chickpeas and before other, they ate two slices of white bread. The women experienced a significant reduction of appetite and calorie intake after chickpea meal compared to white bread meal.

In another study individuals who ate 104 grams of chickpeas daily reported feeling fuller and ate less junk food compared to when they did not eat chickpeas.

Some studies even suggest that the quality of protein in chickpeas is better than that in legumes. Chickpeas improve digestion and help control blood sugar and weight.

So, now since you have enough reason to eat chickpeas start adding them in between meals as your on the go snack. They are cheap and easy to carry and you can eat them in a number of ways-roasted chickpeas or try mixing them with some salt, chilli, and lemon.

Just grab a zip pouch and carry them wherever you are going!!!

Know how eating Ghee (Clarified Butter) can help you get lean: 11 Reasons to eat Ghee for getting Leaner

2. Fox Nuts Or Makhana

In India, we only opt for this snack when we are fasting. But it has numerous health benefits and can be an ideal on the go snack. Fox nuts are very low on calories, a 50 gram serving of fox nuts contain only 180 calories and no saturated fat or sodium at all.

They are also a good source of carbs and proteins. Even though they are high on carbs they have a low glycemic index. They are gluten-free and contain a flavonoid called kaempferol, which has anti-inflammatory and anti-ageing properties. They are high in magnesium, which is important for heart health and also the regulation of levels of calcium, potassium, and sodium in the blood. They are high in iron which is important for haemoglobin formation in the blood.

Fox nuts have become so popular now that it is recommended by even dieticians as an evening snack. Many food manufacturing companies have started selling fox nuts in different flavors.

Do not go for these packaged ones. It will take a little one time effort but either dry roast or roast the fox nuts in coconut oil or ghee (clarified butter) and add some salt and pepper or any other spices of your choice.

This is the best and healthiest way to have your fox nuts as a snack. The packaged ones are full of salt and preservatives.

And just like chickpeas, these are also easy to carry anywhere and you can munch on them anytime!!

3. Puffed Rice Or Murmura

If Makhana was low on calorie puffed rice is even better. One cup of puffed rice has only 54 calories, 0.13 grams fat, 12.29 grams carbohydrates, 0.98-gram protein and a small amount of dietary fiber and iron. It is made from white rice and is extremely light.

This snack is high on good carbs and less on calories so it makes an ideal combination to increase your energy levels without increasing the amount of calorie you take in. Dietary fiber improves bowel movement and improves metabolism.

It is also a rich source of Vitamin D, calcium, fiber, and Iron. The low sodium content of puffed rice helps to control blood pressure levels. It also contains neurotransmitter nutrients which help to improve brain development and cognitive functions.

It is a rich source of Vitamin B and minerals which boosts immunity. This is a good option if you are trying to control your weight.

You can dry roast or simply eat it plain. To add a little bit flavour you can roast it in coconut oil or ghee just like fox nuts and add the spices of your choice. This is a versatile option you can not just eat puffed rice plain but you can add it with some other snack of your choice to make the snack more filling without increasing the calorie content much.

4. Nuts

They are my absolute favorite. If you also crave crunchy snacks like chips then switch to this much healthier option. Nuts are rich in proteins and healthy fats. Hazelnuts, walnuts, almonds— nuts are a good source of plant protein. They also contain monounsaturated fats, which may be a factor in reducing the risk of heart disease. (8)

Almonds: This nut is the highest in calcium out of all nuts. They are also high in fiber, Vitamin E and magnesium. Almonds lower cholesterol and reduce the risk of heart diseases and diabetes.

Cashews: They are rich in iron, magnesium and unsaturated fats. In fact, the unsaturated fat in cashews is predominantly oleic acid ( same as in olive oil). They help prevent cancer, promote a healthy heart and strong bones. They are rich in copper which gives a good skin and hairs.

Walnuts: They have a high content of Omega 3 fats, antioxidants, and phytosterols. They are heart healthy, help prevent cancer and aid the brain to reduce depression and risk of age-related diseases such as Alzheimer’s.

Hazelnuts: They are rich in unsaturated fats (mostly oleic acid), magnesium, calcium, and vitamins B and E. Hazelnuts are good for heart, reduce the risk of cancer, and improve muscle, skin, bone, joint and digestive health.

So, grab a zip pouch, mix your favorite nuts and you are ready to go. If you find plain nuts boring then go for dry roasted or masala nuts. Avoid the packaged salted nuts ( again due to high salt content ). But don’t gorge on nuts every day. You can opt for them a few times in a week and limit the quantity per day to only a handful.

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5. Peanuts

I have separated them from nuts because technically they are not nuts but legumes. They have the highest amount of folate compared to other nuts which are essential for brain development. Peanuts are also rich in Vitamin E.

They are specially great for pregnant women as the high content of folate help reduce birth defects. They boost memory, help fight depression, and reduce the risk of heart diseases.

Peanuts also provide resveratrol, the phenolic antioxidant also found in red grapes and red wine that is thought to be responsible for the fact that French people even after eating a diet that is not low in fat have a lower risk of heart diseases compared to the U.S. people.

Not only do peanuts contain oleic acid (same as in olive oil ) but new research shows they are also rich in antioxidants just like many fruits. Peanuts have similar antioxidant content as that of blackberries and strawberries and are far richer in antioxidants than apples, carrots or beets. Roasting peanuts can increase it’s p-coumaric acid levels, boosting their overall antioxidant content by as much as 22%.

If you fear that eating nuts will make you gain weight, a study published in the journal Obesity shows such fears are baseless.

The 28-month study involving 8,865 adult men and women in Spain, found that participants who ate nuts at least two times per week were 31% less likely to gain weight than were participants who never or rarely ate nuts.

6. Pomegranate

Pomegranate is the ideal pocket-friendly snack if you have a sweet tooth. One cup of pomegranate contains 144 calories and 24 grams of sugar. Pomegranate is high in fiber, vitamins, minerals and bio-active plant compounds.

It contains an antioxidant named punicalagins which makes the antioxidants in pomegranate three times higher than those in red wine and green tea. (9)

Pomegranate helps fight prostate cancer which is a common type of cancer in men. Studies have shown that pomegranate extract can slow down the cancer cell reproduction and even cause apoptosis or cancer cell death. (10)

Similarly pomegranate extract has been shown to reduce breast cancer cell reproduction and to cause cancer cells death. (11)

So, this fruit is equally great for both men and women.

Apart from these there are several other benefits of pomegranate such as:

It lowers blood pressure levels.

It helps fight arthritis and joint pains.

It lowers the risk of heart diseases.

It helps fight bacterial and fungal infections.

It helps improve memory.

It improves exercise performance.

You can either eat pomegranate seeds or carry it’s juice but pomegranate seeds are easy to carry and pocket-friendly.

7. Dark Chocolate

A good quality dark chocolate with at least 70-85% cocoa content is one of the best option available if you are trying to lose weight. This piece of heaven is full of antioxidants.

A 100 gram bar of dark chocolate with 70-85% cocoa content contains:

11 grams fiber

67% of the daily iron requirement

58% of the daily magnesium requirement

89% of the daily copper requirement

98% of the daily manganese requirement

It is also rich in potassium, phosphorus, zinc, and selenium.

However, a 100 gram daily consumption of dark chocolate contains 600 calories and some sugar too. So, it is advised to take dark chocolate in moderation. Just take one or two cubes from the bar in a day. Don’t worry even these two cubes are very filling.

Some other benefits of dark chocolates are:

Improves blood flow and reduces blood pressure.

It raises HDL (good cholesterol) and protects LDL ( bad cholesterol ) from oxidation which may cause LDL to damage tissues like the lining of arteries in the heart. (12)

Reduces the risk of heart diseases.

The flavanols in dark chocolate protect our skin from damage due to sun and hydrate the skin.

Improve brain function.

8. Nut Butters

The only nut butter I knew a year back was peanut butter but now you have all kinds of nuts available in the form of butters and they are yumm!!!

If you are allergic to a particular nut you can go for another one easily now. As far as benefits of nut butters is concerned I have already mentioned above the benefits of nuts. Same goes here.

Just like nuts you need to be a little cautious while eating nut butter although they are healthy they must be eaten in moderation because they are high in calories. And avoid eating them with high glycemic index carbs.

Also, go for the organic versions of these butters and by organic I mean to keep it natural- no added preservatives or sugar. I recently came across a nut butter by the name Superfat and it was pretty close to what I meant when I said organic butters.

Do you know bodyweight and Health are not related: Skinny Fat: Is Getting Skinny Same As Getting Healthy?

9. Popcorn

This is a food which is not just healthy but is also popular on your movie nights when you tend to eat a lot of junk. But before you order another tub of popcorn that crap loaded with butter or caramel is not what I am talking about.

Three cups of air popped popcorn contain 110 calories and 1 gram fat. This can be added to your weight loss snack list easily just don’t try and mix it up with anything high in calorie.

Popcorn has a low glycemic index and therefore is digested slowly. Some foods cause a sharp increase in blood glucose level because they are digested quickly, these foods are high in glycemic index. Low glycemic food does not cause the blood sugar to rise suddenly and their slow digestion keeps you full for a longer time. (13)

Popcorns are whole grains a single serving of popcorn meets 70% of our daily whole grain requirement. Eating popcorn can lower the risk of cancer and heart diseases, according to the United States Department of Agriculture. That’s because the hull of popcorn contains polyphenols with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

Popcorn hull also contains beta-carotene, lutein and zeaxanthin, all of which boost the health of your eyes.

10. Dried Fruits And Berries

Dates, prunes, plums, raisins, etc. are some dried fruits we have known for long. Many other fruits like apple, banana, kiwi, etc. are also now available in dried form.

A dried fruit is nothing but a fruit whose water content is zero. The fruit shrinks in size after drying leaving behind an energy dense dried fruit.

Just like original fruits even dried fruits are high in natural antioxidants, micronutrients, and fibers. One gram of dried fruit contains the same amount of nutrition as the original fruit but condensed in a small package.

Raisins or dried grapes lower blood pressure, improve blood sugar control, and decrease blood cholesterol.

Prunes or dried plums are rich in fiber, potassium, beta-carotene (vitamin A) and vitamin K. They contain a sugar alcohol called sorbitol which is a natural laxative. They are also good at relieving constipation ( even better than psyllium). (14)

Dates are also rich fiber, iron, potassium, and several plant compounds. Dates are the richest in antioxidants out of all dried fruits and have a low glycemic index. They are especially good during the last weeks of pregnancy as they facilitate cervical dilation and decrease the need of induces labor. (15)

Although dried fruits are high in nutrition they are also high in calories and sugar content so moderation is the key here. A moderate consumption daily would not harm you anyway. Limit your consumption to just a handful in a day.

Now that you have 10 super healthy options to snack on ditch the junk and grab them anywhere you go. Keep a jar full at your office desk and eat a handful whenever you feel hungry in between meals.